Personal Training:

What is Personal Training?

 Personal training is a one-on-one fitness program tailored to your specific needs, goals, and fitness level. It involves working closely with our certified and experienced trainers who will design a customised workout plan, provide expert guidance, and offer continuous support throughout your journey. Whether you're aiming to lose weight, build muscle, increase flexibility, or improve overall fitness, our personal trainers can be your trusted partner in reaching those milestones. 

Personalisation for Optimal Results

 One of the key benefits of personal training is the personalised approach it offers. Unlike generic workout plans found on the internet, a personal trainer takes into account your individual strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. They consider factors such as your fitness history, any injuries or health conditions you may have, and your daily schedule. With this tailored approach, you'll receive exercises and routines that are not only safe but also efficient in helping you reach your objectives. Our trainers will continuously assess your progress and adjust the program accordingly, ensuring that you remain challenged and continue to make strides toward your goals.

Breaking Plateaus and Setting New Goals

It's not uncommon to hit a plateau in your fitness journey, where progress stalls and you feel stuck. A personal trainer can be instrumental in breaking through these plateaus by introducing new exercises and changing the intensity of workouts. Furthermore, as you achieve your initial goals, your trainer can help you set new ones, keeping you motivated and engaged in your fitness journey for the long haul.

Beyond the Gym: Holistic Approach

Personal training is not just about what happens during your gym sessions. It also encompasses lifestyle. Your personal trainer will offer valuable insights into maintaining a balanced diet, getting enough rest, and managing stress –
all of which play a vital role in your
overall well-being and fitness progress.

Safe and Injury-Free Workouts

A common concern when starting a fitness program is the risk of injury. Our trainers are highly knowledgeable about proper exercise form and technique, ensuring that you perform exercises safely and effectively. They'll guide you through the correct movements, help you understand your body's signals, and make adjustments to avoid strain or injuries.

Our Trainers

Meet Kristy

Kristy has been training for 5 years including all throughout her last pregnancy. She got into CrossFit in 2018 and now competes as a Masters athlete. As a mum of seven herself, Kristy has a passion for training women, particularly mothers getting back into exercise. She believes in the importance of taking time for yourself every day, even if it's just for one hour.

Meet Nyah

Nyah has been active and trained for his whole young life. In the last two years he has moved toward functional training and CrossFit for his own preferred method of training. Nyah coaches a wide range of clients but has a particular interest in sport specific athletic development.

Personal Training: